SunDog School of Natural Building, currently based in beautiful Northern California, creates an educational/learning environment for people in transition looking to build natural structures with earthen materials.

We'll teach you how thermally appropriate, efficient buildings can be hand-built for very little money, virtually anywhere in the world, by anyone, using natural and recycled materials.

We'll show you how natural structures have healing effects on the environment and the people who build and inhabit them.

Our workshops are always filled with fun, great people, and good food.
We teach  Natural Building workshops, complete cob construction, earthen plasters, earthen ovens, rocket stoves, wood-fired water heaters, earthen floors,  living roofs and so much more. We enjoy helping people find ways of living that depend less on fossil fuels and more on individual creativity and collective genius using natural systems and natural materials.

Natural building is more than just a choice of materials or tools; it's a lever for transformation. We believe natural building is an appropriate response to a world out of balance. Taking a SunDog workshop opens your world to a whole host of possibilities to create a different future. You can choose to take a workshop at one of our sites or be a site host for one of the gatherings by hiring SunDog natural building instructors to hold a workshop at your location. SunDog School of Natural Building offers natural building workshops, classes, consulting, and apprenticeships. Contact us to learn more.

Find us on Google+ -- and Facebook!

Kirk "Donkey" Mobert

I'm a native Californian with a love of critters, fire, and mud. I've been a natural builder for some time, have taught with Cob Cottage Co. and around California going on 2 decades. For me, exploring the possibilities and pushing the boundries is where it's at. While Natural Building is ancient, for our culture it's new, there's still a lot of room for discovery and experimentation.
Natural Building is one aspect of a larger structure, a collection of tools for establishing regenerative cultures.

Kirk "Donkey" Mobert


The River School Farm:
Ernie and Erica:
Cob Cottage Company:
Natural Building Network:
The Permaculture Forums:
Leslie Jackson and the Rocket Stove book:
Rocket Stove Experimenter's Corner:
Cob Workshops List:
Kiko Denzer:
Kata Polano:
Clay Sand Straw:
Joe Jenkins:
Sunray Kelly:
Oasis Design:

Got questions? / 707.684.0248 / P.O. Box 791 Point Arena, CA 95468